Mobile Customization - Opera GX Mods

Customize your mod for mobile devices, including logos, wallpapers, and responsive themes.

📱 Mobile Customization

Make your mod stand out on mobile by tailoring its appearance and functionality for smaller screens.

🛠️ What is Mobile Customization?

Mobile customization allows you to:

  • Change the Opera GX start page logo for mobile devices.
  • Optimize assets like wallpapers and themes for mobile resolutions.
  • Create a seamless browsing experience across devices.

📝 Adding Mobile-Specific Features

Replace the default logo with a custom image for mobile users.

Update manifest.json

  "mobile_image_overrides": [
      "id": "mobile_logo_01",
      "images": {
        "start_page_logo": "assets/mobile/logo.png"
      "name": "Custom Mobile Logo"
  • id: A unique identifier for the mobile asset.
  • start_page_logo: Path to your custom logo image.

📂 Asset Path: Save your mobile logo in assets/mobile/.

2. Mobile-Friendly Wallpapers

Ensure wallpapers display beautifully on mobile screens.

Best Practices

  • Use images optimized for vertical resolutions (e.g., 1080x1920px).
  • Test the dark and light versions for readability.

3. Themes for Mobile

Adjust colors for better visibility on smaller screens.

Update manifest.json

  "theme": [
      "id": "mobile_theme_01",
      "name": "Mobile Dark Theme",
      "dark": {
        "gx_accent": { "h": 200, "s": 50, "l": 40 }
      "light": {
        "gx_accent": { "h": 200, "s": 60, "l": 50 }

🔧 Optimizing for Performance

Keep File Sizes Small

  • Use compressed images (.jpg for photos, .png for logos).
  • Reduce the size of audio and video assets.

📱 Test Responsiveness

  • Test your mod on multiple screen sizes.
  • Verify assets load quickly and display correctly.

📖 Learn More

🚀 With mobile customization, your mod will look stunning and perform seamlessly on any device!